Voucher purchase terms
- A voucher can be ordered on-line via jested.cz. If the order is successful, the guest will be informed upon its completion.
- After the voucher has been paid for, the guest will receive a link where the voucher can be generated.
- Vouchers cannot be exchanged for money. A voucher represents a financial value for a service and can only be used in Hotel Ještěd for accommodation and restaurant and bar services. Thus, by buying a voucher you are not buying a particular service or package, but only a financial value that can be exchanged for the above-mentioned services in Hotel Ještěd. The prices of the services may change during the voucher validity depending on the season, occupancy and other circumstances.
- When booking with a voucher, similar cancellation conditions apply as for regular bookings without a voucher.
- Vouchers are valid for one calendar year following the payment date. The validity means that a guest can check into the accommodation no later than on the last day of the voucher validity. The validity of vouchers can be prolonged for a fee 30 % of the voucher value and it can be done on-line via jested.cz.
- A guest concludes an order with JEŠTĚD, spol. s r.o., Company ID No.: 25008552
- By ordering a voucher on-line or using it, the guest confirms that they are familiar with these terms, that they understand them and accept them without reservation.
The last update of these terms was made on 18 September 2020.
Under the applicable sales records laws, a seller is obliged to issue a sales receipt to a buyer. It shall also register the revenue received with the tax administrator on-line; no later than within 48 hours in case of a technical failure.