Very good food, extremely friendly staff,
all-round successful New Year's Eve stay.
Thank you very much
Čtvrtek 2. ledna 2025 | Peter
Hallo, wir durften 5 Tage Gäste im Jested sein. es war einfach phantastisch, ein außergewöhnlicher Ort zum Übernachten und Schlemmen. Ein ganz großes Lob an das gesamte Team, dem außerordentliche reichhaltigen Frühstück, dem schmackhaften ideenreichen Abendessen, der absoluten Sauberkeit& Freundlichkeit des gesamten Personals ! Vielen Dank !! Immer wieder gerne !
Vielen Dank für Ihre freundliche Bewertung!
Středa 22. ledna 2020 | Fam. Kuhlmey, Oranienburg
Dobry den, jsem z Liberce a Jested znam 3 desitky let jako carokrasne...ale zaroven ponekud zacarovane misto. Ma neskutecny potencial i ducha, evidentni vyhody a kvality. Presto byval pobyt v casto zakourenem prostredi restaurace zklamanim. Prumerne jidlo a VELICE podprumerna obsluha. Na podzim 2010 jsem prijela coby pruvodkyne s klientkami z USA - a byla jsem mile prekvapena posunem kupredu. Snidane byla bohata a hruskovice na podnose vtipnym i exkluzivnim doplnkem, ktereho si kazdy u snidane vsiml a ocenil ho. Pred vstupem do snidanove casti restaurace stala mila servirka s usmevem na tvari, poprala nam dobre rano a uvedla nas ke stolum. Byla jsem v soku. Skvele! Po pul roce jsme prijeli znovu - opet na noc. U vecere si cisnik vyslechl nase prani na bezlepkovou veceri (alergie na mouku) a se zajmem s nami probral nase moznosti. Pote se za nami zastavil jeste provozni hotelu, p. Absolon. Velice vstricne zodpovedel vsechny me dotazy vcetne toho ohledne vlastnictvi hotelu. Konecne jsem pochopila, proc jiz davno nekdo nezrestauroval pokoje do jejich puvodni krasy. Vlastnicka struktura neni jednoducha a neumoznuje rychly posun vpred. Skoda. Umim si predstavit, ze by se tu muselo objednavat na pul roku dopredu, jak by bylo plno, kdyby se veci hnuli rychleji kupredu. Zatim jsem vsak stejne zaznamenala nekolik vyznamnych zmen ohledne personalu, spolecneho obleceni, jidelnicku atp. Velmi me to tesi. Nevim, kolik z toho je dilem p. Absolona, ale drzim mu setsakra palce. Jedno prani na zaver...nevadi mi jakekoli pripadne chyby ci problemy personalu, ktere zrovna resi, ale coby klientka potrebuji videt vstricnost, usmev a snahu vyjit mi vstric. Melo by to byt v popisu prace personalu. Za takovymi lidmi se ostatni radi vraceji. Dekujeme jeste jednou a drzime palce. Opet prijedeme! Tereza Rafoth
Úterý 21. února 2012 |
I would like to ask you for a possibility of booking 2-person room from 27th to 29th of February. And second question - can I stay in Hotel Jested with a dog (little)?
Greetings from Poland
Pondělí 9. ledna 2012 |
Once very modern, now a little oldfashioned looking rooms, but nice enough. Beautiful view. Difficult to find by navigational system, but that's not the fault of the hotel, of course. Connection to internet didn't always work. Breakfast starts at 8am. Too late for us, so we couldn't enjoy it. Very helpful and German speaking staff.
I wasn't able to use any of the rating controls on this website with any of my browsers, so they are still set to some default value which does not reflect my opinion. I'd rather tend to rate the hotel a little better, maybe an average 8/10. I will definitely come back here when I have a little more time to enjoy the surroundings.
Pátek 26. srpna 2011 |
Great hotel! Restaurant exceptional, food exquisite. Restaurant manager and chef visited table while dining to see if all was OK. If you do nothing else when visiting Liberec dine at this restaurant, you will not be sorry. Food is great!
Čtvrtek 23. června 2011 |
Good evening,
I would like to inquire about room rates for two people for ten days and I\'m looking for good prices Can you send a list of prices do you have and as soon as
Čtvrtek 2. června 2011 |
My name is Ghazaleh (gazelle) ,I'm Iranian and i'm student in liberec .
I wold like to apply a job as a reception in the night time or working in the kitchen in this hotel
I can speak a little czech and i have free time on Tuesday ,Friday , Saturday and Sunday and another days i have class until 16:00
It would be great if I can work in this hotel ! :)
thank you for your time
Středa 27. října 2010 |
Visiting Jested is fantastic in summer or winter. The hotel is so different than any others, will satisfy anyone who enjoy outdoor and sports on any level. Service is outstanding.
Neděle 15. srpna 2010 |
Hi, my name is Marianna.
I was here with my exchange partners with Danish people. They were very suprised about Jested. Because in Denmark are not mountains. My exchange partner said, that Jested is really beautifull mountain. You can see all Liberec and on the second side you can see for example Krkonose mountains.
So, good bye and have a nice time. your Mariannka from Liberec, aged 17.